Advancing Justice Through Creative Expressions

Creating Justice LA (CJLA) is a non-Profit initiative of The Shaw Community Transformation Corporation. Our mission is to advance Justice through creative expressions by Elevating, Organizing, Strategizing, and Mobilizing Community members in an effort to increase their power by helping them to build wealth and to increase their capacity for Civic and Community engagement in positive ways. We are seeking to build and incubator for Holistic Growth, Development and Transformation. We seek to create alternatives to Capitalism that would generate income using more democratic options, such as co-ops and other creative models. Through our Mom & Pops initiative we seek to bring Mom & Pops businesses back into communities from which they have been displaced through gentrification. We believe that street vending and other Mobile models are one of the only ways in which small business will be able to survive and thrive from now and on into the future.

Our Impact


given since November 11, 2020


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